Any data is useless if it cannot bring value to business. Many software development activities fail in the early stages due to poor database designs. This results in huge losses to businesses even before they are started. It explains how important proper data modeling is. Data modeling is a stepping stone for establishing data systems that generate value. By creating data models teams can organize, analyze, and interpret data very efficiently.

A well-designed data model increases quality, brings clarity, optimizes performance, and ensures scalability for future requirements. In this article, we discuss what data modeling is, the types of data models, data modeling best practices to establish these data models, and how Hevo can simplify the data modeling and integration process.

What is Data Modeling?

Data modeling is a process of creating graphical representation around data structure, and relation between those data models. It is a technique where you design and create a database from scratch. It is about how data can be transformed to best reflect the information. Data modeling is where functional business requirements are visible as data models.

A good data model should be able to answer all these questions.

  • What data is required?
  • What relationships exist between different data elements?
  • What constraints and rules apply to the data?
  • How will the data be accessed and used?
  • How does the model align with business objectives?
  • How is the data structured?

Why Do You Need Data Modeling?

Data Modelling is very important to structure, organize, and understand data. Read about the techniques of data modeling that every organization should know. Let’s discuss major reasons to consider using data modeling.

  • Improved data integrity: Data models set clear relationships between data entities. This helps to avoid any errors while writing or using the data.
  • Reduced redundancy: While creating data models, we tend to avoid any duplicate data. They give clarity to identify any redundant data, set rules, and stop it right before storing it. This helps in improving database performance and reduces storage costs.
  • Improved data accessibility: A well-organized structure of data models facilitates easy access and quicker navigation through data entities. This enables developers to effortlessly locate the information they require for analysis and reporting purposes.
  • Streamlined database design: Data models assist developers in creating effective database structures with a clear insight into data relationships. Data Modelling provides this clarity and hence can help optimize database design.
  • Scalability: Data models bring clarity to design them in such a way that they can accommodate future data growth.
  • Compliance with regulations: Structured models can help establish clear governance regulations and data privacy rules.

Types of Data Model

Let us discuss three types of data models that are widely used for data modeling. Read about how to create a data model in detail.

Conceptual Data Model

Conceptual data model represent data on top view abstract level. This type of model focuses on identifying entities and their relationships. It represents data on the business function level. By looking at conceptual data model documentation, teams can easily understand business data flow.

For example, in the below diagram, we see that an e-commerce application conceptual data model will have models based on functional units like sales, products, inventory orders, etc.

data modeling best practices: conceptual data modeling

Logical Data Model

The logical data model represents the relationship between data elements in a graphical fashion. This includes defining entity types, attributes, keys, and relationships. Logical data models are created by taking the data descriptions from the conceptual model and adding more context and definitions.

For example, this layer for an e-commerce application will define all the data elements required for their data types to actually contain all the information related to this functional unit.

data modeling best practices: logical data modeling

Physical Data Model

After the logical model, physical data models take description one level deeper. It represents the internal schema of a database, including tables, columns, data types, views, constraints, indices, and procedures. Physical data models can be used to generate tables and databases DDL to replicate them on the database server.

For example, in an e-commerce use case, the physical layer will depict the relationship between entities.

data modeling best practices: Physical Data Modeling
AspectConceptual Data ModelLogical Data ModelPhysical Data Model
PurposeDefines high-level business concepts and relationships.Details the structure of data elements without considering implementation.Specifies how data is stored in a database.
AudienceBusiness stakeholders and analysts.Data architects and analysts.Database administrators and developers.
RepresentationEntity-relationship diagrams.Data structures and normalized tables.Database schema and indexing.
Abstraction LevelHighMediumLow
Key ElementsEntities, attributes, and relationships.Tables, columns, data types, and relationships.Tables, keys, indexes, and constraints.

Top 10 Data Modeling Best Practices 

As we discussed different types of data models, let us now see what are the top 10 data modeling best practices.

1. Start with the Business Requirements

Understanding business requirements is the foremost data modeling best practices. There is no point in developing a data model if it doesn’t serve the business requirement. It is very important to understand the business needs and goals before designing the model. A clear understanding of business objectives ensures the data model is relevant and effective.

2. Collaborate Across Teams

It is very important to take suggestions from stakeholders from business, IT, and data teams to ensure that the data model fulfills all the requirements.

3. Use Consistent Naming Conventions

While designing any data flow it is very important that everybody speaks the same language. Thus naming approach for entities, attributes, and relationships should be standardized to enhance clarity and maintainability.

4. Normalize Data

Normalization techniques help to reduce or eliminate redundancy. Thus it is important to consider applying normalization techniques in balance with your business and performance needs.

5. Document Your Data Model

Maintaining self-explanatory documentation of your data model is as important as creating the data model. This documentation around structure, rules, and decisions can help you support collaboration and act as a basis for future decisions.

6. Validate and Iterate

Timely validation and revisiting of data models are required to make decisions on updates if any in sync with business requirement changes.

7. Optimize for Performance

Designing data models while considering performance in mind is important. This includes defining indexing strategies, query optimization, and considering data normalization.

8. Plan for Scalability

Design the model in such a way that it can handle future data evolution and growth without having significant redesign.

9. Prioritize Data Security

Governance rules and security measures like access controls and encryption should be kept in mind while designing data models.

10. Leverage Automation Tools

Advanced data tools can be used to enforce standards, streamline the modeling process, and reduce manual effort. Read about data modeling tools from open source to premium and see which suits your use case.


In this article, we discussed data modeling, different types of data models, and some of the data modeling best practices to implement them. Data modeling is the foundation for effective data management. If implemented with data modeling best practices it can offer great clarity and structure to your complex data systems.

Hevo with its out-of-the-box features can help businesses harness the full potential of their data by providing a platform for easy implementation. Schedule a personalized demo with Hevo for effortless data integration.


1. What are the 5 steps under data modeling?

The five steps of data modeling include defining business requirements, identifying relationships, creating conceptual, physical, and logical models, validating the models, and refining them.

2. What are the 4 types of data modeling?

Four types of data modeling techniques are the conceptual data model, logical data model, physical data model, and dimensional data model.

3. What are the key principles of data modeling?

Key principles of data modeling include 
– Alignment with business objectives.
– Ensuring data accuracy and integrity.
– Normalization for efficiency.
– Documenting and validating models.
– Planning for scalability and security.

Neha is an experienced Data Engineer and AWS certified developer with a passion for solving complex problems. She has extensive experience working with a variety of technologies for analytics platforms, data processing, storage, ETL and REST APIs. In her free time, she loves to share her knowledge and insights through writing on topics related to data and software engineering.